How have you Reset?

Jason HoetNews, Pastor

Have you reset? Through January we ran a RESET sermon series. The series focused on four choices for a stronger, God centred life –rhythm, relationships, recreation, and reaching out. As we have crossed the midpoint of the year, how are you going with these choices?

I personally aim to strengthen one area of my life a year. I am not optimistic I can handle more than this! My midpoint was Recreation and (referring to my sermon notes) there were 3 implications:

  1. How you can work to rest instead of rest to work?
  2. How can you rest to enjoy God and all he has done?
  3. How can you rest to share time and space for enjoying one another?

How have I reset? A key realisation is I really enjoy time with my family. They are good for me. I am a better person when I spend time with them and our family as a whole is better too. I am endeavouring to enjoy God’s provision. My focus has been to increase my prayers and speech with thankfulness. This year our holidays has also given us time with good friends in great places. All this is no doubt obvious, to you. I acknowledge it is strange to say that I am working hard at resting. On days off I have been known to pace the house as I try to not pull out work. I know I have problems, but that is why God is at work in me to strengthen what has been unbalanced.

How about you? As you look at the year so far, how is God strengthening you? Maybe your challenge was not from January, yet I am certain the Spirit of God has whispered to your soul. God is encouraging your growth to become more like Jesus. I am even confident you could name what God is pointing out. So, how have you reset?

In Him,
