Where God’s grace brings generosity and joy

AV/DataNews, Pastor

God is generous. Jesus’ teaching presumes it. This is why we need not worry. This is why we can confidently approach God and ‘ask, seek, knock’ (Luke 11:9-10). This is why lost people can return to a seeking, loving God.

Even suffering and discipline, the writer of Hebrews says should be seen by the followers of Jesus through generosity: ‘God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.’ (Hebrews 12:10 NIV).

God is generous, so very generous. To you. To me. To us. All that grace and kindness given to us has to go somewhere doesn’t it? This is why we can be a church where God’s grace brings generosity and joy. I don’t mean generous to a giving campaign. I don’t mean generous for a pledge gift. I don’t mean giving to our church. This is far too small (ie it is not generous enough). I see generosity in our character, culture, spirit, thinking, heart, words, behaviour, relationships. I see generosity as our DNA, because grace is our lifeblood. Do you want to become this church? Do you want to be this person?

