- Church picnic was well attended and lots of fun!
- Growth Groups continue to grow. Kaye has begun a new group on Monday nights
- The Credo series on the Apostles creed has just finished
- Our Easter Services were a powerful time for our church community
- God used Easter Camp for a wonderful impact on our young people
Leadership Update April
- We have now had 2 council meetings. The initial meeting to plan for 2019
- Eldership is laying foundations for meeting together.
- We are updating our membership process for the new constitution
- We are revisiting how we manage the fellowship fund and support vulnerable people financially
- We are currently looking for an additional member for Eldership
- Deacons are laying foundations for meeting together
- We have established a finance and Asset committee to manage church finances
- The budget will be released in time for May 26 Members’ Meeting
- We are looking for an additional Deacon
- We are finalising our church budget
- Finance and Asset Committee are working hard at streamlining our finances
Prayer April
Those close to us
- Give thanks for the work God is doing in many people’s lives
- Churchwide spiritual growth and biblical literacy
- Children & Young people grow to be more like Jesus – ‘Seeds sown now will fall on fertile soil’
- Developing the habit of reading our Bibles
- PM Service will impact, influence increasing numbers of people in following Jesus
- People of all ages will develop faith habits which “train us to be godly”
- Youth & Young Adults make godly obedient choices
- Increasing numbers of people participate in growth groups and grow together in following Jesus
Those who lead, teach, heal us
- Jason as he prayerfully plans the Sermon Series for the year
- Speakers will preach faithfully, powerfully, God’s Word
- Simon in his planning for the youth teaching input
- Kathy in her direction of Kids church teaching
- Allan, and teachers will equip our Internationals to understand God’s Word and teach others
- Growth Group leaders and Facilitators will engage their groups with God’s word
Those who have authority over us
- We continue to have religious freedoms to live by our convictions and teach biblical truth in love
- In a world which challenges biblical truth we will confidently & clear speak God’s Word in a way which helps people hear and be set free.
Those who are vulnerable among us
- Youth & Young Adults struggling in faith may seek God and find him
- People who are experience life as a struggle may hold onto the promises of God’s Word and know his freedom & power in their life.