Baptist Care – our heart of mercy

AV/DataFrontPage, News, Pastor

What does Baptist Care SA do? Most people can identify their work with the homeless through the ministry of Westcare. Baptist Care does much more. It provides out of home care, disability care, youth education and employment, and homelessness and therapeutic support services. Currently over 1000 dedicated staff and volunteers serve in Baptist Care to help some of South Australian most vulnerable achieve their full potential. This ministry has been faithfully serving the vulnerable since 1913 and in my view is the ‘heart of mercy’ for our Baptist churches.  

I am currently on the Baptist Care SA Board and have insight into its vast, incredible work. Baptist Care SA is committed to working with the State’s most disadvantaged and has a strong reputation for delivering positive outcomes. I can affirm the foundations for this service comes from our faith in Jesus. The engine for good in the face of the odds is God’s heart of mercy and hope for our world. We should be proud of Baptist Care’s work, as they serve in our name, doing what we can only do together through Baptist Care. 

Baptist Care and the church together are vital ministry partners for serving the most vulnerable. I encourage you to pray for Baptist Care, and for our church to increase our support and service. Our world can only be better off when we all work together to demonstrate the mercy of God. 

In Him, 
