Jason HoetFrontPage, News, Pastor

Many people spend a lot of their time at work. How does a follower of Jesus best use this time? At our last PM service, we had excellent input from Naomi Beames, Maggie Beukes and Kristin Lewis with City Bible Forum (CBF) regarding this question. This is an area our church ought to focus on, given the time spent and influence our people have in the marketplace.

I see five areas we can encourage people in:

  • Exceptional Work: that work is done well and successfully;
  • Compelling Discipleship: live as faithful, compelling followers of Jesus in their workplace;
  • Honourable Influence: use their influence for the good of others and their work;
  • Generous Contribution: use their work, influence and resources to contribute to the good of our wider society;
  • Winsome Evangelism: through faithful living, prayer and active witness people are invited to follow Jesus.

Partnering with City Bible Forum can help us grow in many of these areas. City Bible Forum Evangelistic Prayer Teams (EPT) are groups of people who meet regularly to encourage one another in the discipleship and evangelism. CBF provides excellent events which effectively commend the gospel to people. Alongside CBF we are developing a partnership with Baptist Care SA and other churches to increase the “Kingdom of God” impact in our state.

I wonder if you have a vision for God to be a work in your workplace? Why not join a CBF EPT or check out one of their events? Maybe you could help our church grow our efforts in the marketplace. At the very least we can pray for our workplaces, that God will be at work through us.



Photo by Kevin Bhagat on Unsplash