Today’s lesson is about people who gave it all and risked it all for Jesus as they embraced the culture, dress and language of where they went.
Read the Bible story first and then watch the lesson video.
Bible Reading
But the Holy Spirit will come to you. Then you will receive power. You will be my witnesses—in Jerusalem, in all of Judea, in Samaria, and in every part of the world.”
So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Questions to ask
- What are the hard words?
- What did not make sense?
- What questions do I have?
After you have watched the lesson and completed the bible reading, discuss these questions together:
Why do you think people might have listened to Hudson Taylor more when he wore their clothes and lifestyle?
- Hudson Taylor made an effort to dress like the people because he thought that if he looked more like them they might listen to what he had to say.
Who are some people that you know don’t know Jesus?
- You might be able to pray for them to be open to hearing about him.
Dear God, Thank you so much for loving us and for sending Jesus to earth to show us your love and forgiveness. Thank you that we are all one in Christ Jesus and all equal in your eyes. Please help us to care and show your love and kindness to people, no matter who they are.
I pray also that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we can be people who do as you asked, to let everyone know the Good News of Jesus. Help us to look out for times to tell others about you. We pray for all the people on our Good News sign, that we can share your Good News with them.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Memory Verse John 3:17
- For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
- How many different translations of the Bible do you think there are?
- Why not jooin our Bible Verse challenge! We are memorising Romans 8 this month. For more information read here.
- Ages 4-7 Romans 8:38
- Ages 8-11 Romans 8:37-38
- Ages 12-13
- Adults – teachers/helpers. All of Romans 8!
Sermon Notes
- Sermon notes page to follow along with