Memorising blessing

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

As each month begins, we aim to strengthen our minds and hearts by memorising a Scripture passage. This month’s Scripture is both very easy and very useful so it’s not out of anyone’s reach – you may even ‘kind of’ know it already so you can just brush it up! Having heard about the power of prayers of blessing, it would be great to have words of blessing already in our minds and mouths, to use for those ‘sneaky blessing’ occasions as they arise.

So October’s scripture is Numbers 6:24-26 –

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.

Known as the Aaronic blessing, these are the words that God himself gives to Aaron and the priests to bless the Israelites. It has been prayed over millions of people over thousands of years and made into countless songs. It calls on God to protect, to bring grace and peace, with the beautiful image of his face turned toward us and shining on us. I love the older version I learned at school – ‘The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you.’

If you’d like the extra challenge, you could also learn verses 22-23 and 27, which puts the blessing in context. The offer of reward is still available – anyone (of any age) who can recite the passage to me will receive a chupa chup (lollipop)! I expect to be very blessed this month!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could easily offer this blessing of grace and peace to and for each other, our friends and family, even those we don’t know?

With love, Miranda 😊   (Photo