As we begin our Advent series on the names of God in Isaiah 9:6, the passage I’m encouraging you to memorise this month is the beautiful prophetic promise these names come from – Isaiah 9:2-7.
This promise is a glimpse of hope, peace and joy sandwiched between some very gloomy and hopeless passages, which only emphasises its opening statement – The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Verses 2 to 5 use powerful images to imagine a complete end to struggle, poverty, slavery and war – God has brought rejoicing as in a rich harvest or the spoils of victory, he has set them free from oppression, he has brought such an end to war that war boot and clothes can be burned.
Verse 6 brings the well-known promise – that all this will brought by the birth of a child who will grow to be a ruler of greatness beyond anything seen before whose reign is completely unlimited! With New Testament eyes, we can see that this ruler can be no-one but Jesus – He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.
Of course, we know that this picture is yet to be completely fulfilled – Jesus is not yet King over all and justice and righteousness is a long way from being established forever! So we hold on to this promise as well, looking to the future with trust and hope – The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this! What a great passage to have firmly embedded in our minds and hearts this Advent! (See me to collect your reward)
Love to you all,
Miranda (Photo