There are only 37 days until Christmas! We are well and truly into the Christmas ‘season’. As the end of year approaches it brings a whirlwind of activities and celebrations. For some, these activities signal the end of a ‘season’ and the transition to something new. For me personally, I’m feeling a little nostalgic. My youngest is finishing primary school and getting ready to embark on his high school years!
Other significant transitions are happening for some other special kids in our community – ten of our Tuesday playgroup children will be leaving to head off to school next year. I remember when these gorgeous kids came to playgroup for the first time as newborn babies! What a privilege it’s been as playgroup leaders to journey with these families, supporting and encouraging them as parents and having a front row seat to the growth of these precious children. Comments like these inspire us to continue this ministry: “Thank you for providing a special place for our family to play and unwind. Particularly when the girls were all babies, I couldn’t have gotten through some weeks without the support from you and your wonderful helpers”. “It has been an absolute joy to have joined your Playgroup – I feel so fortunate to have met so many wonderful, caring and supportive people”.
A change of ‘season’ gives time for reflection. What have been the highlights and challenges of the season we are leaving behind? Who can we thank for helping us along the way? What are we looking forward to in the season ahead of us?
For Christians we are about to start the season known as ‘Advent’. Advent means ‘coming’. Christ, our Saviour, came into our world. He has brought hope, love, peace and joy; and he is coming again! Let’s take time to reflect on the impact of Christ coming into our world, to thank God for the gift of His Son, and look forward to the season ahead!
Photo by Marisa Howenstine on Unsplash