Could you tell the story of life with Jesus in 6 words? In the New Testament there are a variety of ways the writers tell the story of what Jesus has done. That makes sense, it’s a big story connecting with people in different ways. Authors Mark Baker and Joel Green explore this in their book, “Recovering the Scandal of the Cross,”. Mark Baker has a short useful article outlining 10 different ways how Jesus saves us. Here are my 6-word story attempts for each one:
- Representative punishment – died my death, gives his life
- God offers forgiveness – God forgives us, through Jesus’ death
- Jesus frees us from shame – Freed from shame, given Jesus’ honour
- Saved by Jesus’ blood – a purified life through Jesus’ blood
- Justification through Jesus’ faithful obedience – Right with God, because of Jesus
- Moral-influence – Jesus’ righteous suffering is our example
- Jesus suffered, in our place, the ultimate consequences of our sin. – Jesus died dealing with my sin
- God raised Jesus from the dead and triumphed over death (Christus Victor) – Jesus defeats death, powerful risen Lord
- The cross stops the cycle of violence – The cross stops violent, wrong power
- The cross disarms the principalities and powers – Jesus defeats evil and sin forever
- The cross judges – God judges’ sin at the cross
- The cross reveals – Jesus’ cross shows us God’s love
Try yourself – What difference does Jesus make in your life? Tell this story of life with Jesus in 6 words.
Photo by Lauren Kan on Unsplash