Do you carry cash? I have not had any cash on my person for 2 years. I pay for everything electronically. While I know I am an ‘early adopter’, 90% of our church giving now is now cashless. People give via direct transfer or through our digital systems.
This has brought stability to our general offering. It has also negatively impacted our once-off or irregular offerings. We have noticed a decline in discretionary offerings such as Engage Work Faith (EWF), or our fellowship fund. A reason for this could be, we carry less or no cash.
The shift in how we use money means we are reflecting on how we collect money. Will we still need to pass around offering bags? How can we help people give electronically?
We have taken initial steps by updating our website giving page This page is set up to make electronic giving easier. It includes links to special offerings, fellowship fund, EWF and general giving. Why not familiarise yourself with what is available on this page? For special offerings, we will also txt our Congregation in the week following with giving directions. We do this to be helpful, not to harass people.
I am thankful we have a generous church who love to give in a multitude of ways. In our life with Jesus may we know the blessing of God the Apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians with:
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV
Photo by Miles Burke on Unsplash