UPB SALA Exhibition is happening again in 2023! Come August, we will once again transform our back hall and breezeway into an exhibition gallery and invite our friends, family and community to experience our South Australian Living Artists’ work.
This year our theme is A New Perspective – celebrating the growth points in our lives when we are suddenly able to see something with new eyes or from a different angle. We hope that this might open up deeper questions for those who visit and we’re looking forward to seeing what new perspectives on life and faith our artists have discovered.
I’d love to hear from any artists out there who would like to take part – whether from our church community or beyond. If you’d like to contribute, let me know, and if you have a friend or family member who might be interested, please take a flyer and hand it on.
Our aim is to open our doors wide, to inspire an interest in faith, to honour and imitate our Creator God and to grow in our ability to express truth beyond words for others to grasp.
Love to you all, Miranda.
Photo by Taz Dixon