Then Joseph said to his brothers, “I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
Genesis 50:24-25
If something were to happen that incapacitated you, are you practically prepared for someone to manage your affairs? While 82% of Australians think it’s important to talk about death, most of us don’t. Before the age of 16, around half of Australians will experience the death of someone close, but only 25% of people are prepared to speak about death with young people. Only 19% of Australians have a funeral plan.
In my experience, many people have not prepared for their decline or death. This makes it challenging for those who love to manage care and arrange a funeral. While we may not wish to face our mortality, it must be done. It ensures we communicate our preferences and supports those we love. It also should be done early. This deals with the uncertainty of life, and possible memory decline, and reduces future stressors. It is better to prepare 10 years early than one day late.
“My Choices” is a fantastic, comprehensive resource developed by Baptist Care SA. It can help people prepare for their end of life. My recommendation is if you have a spouse or dependants, or you are older than 50, you should work through it with those close to you. If you have no one to work through it with you or have further questions, speak with one of our pastoral staff. You can download the complete resource here or individual worksheets here.
In Him,
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash