Looking through the eyes of the Spirit…

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

One of my favourite parts of co-ordinating the UPBC SALA Exhibition is when all the artists begin to arrive at the church office with their artworks. Until then, we really don’t know what we will be showing to the public or how we should put it together!

This last week, I’ve been excited to see how different artists have managed to capture a new perspective. Linda has reflected on heaven and re-visioned a special rose. Alice has created a glimpse into a Wonderland of experiences and feelings. Peter has revealed beauty in an old railyard. Sally has captured the story of different hands and what they convey. Rita has brought new life and beauty to a fallen branch. Helena has found deeper meaning in the unexpected reflection of light. Tas has discovered new landscapes as he plays creatively with his Grandpa’s photographs. Alex has pondered how faith impacts the way she sees the world.

As I take in all of these different expressions, I am reminded of the words of Ecclesiastes 3:11 –

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

God’s deeds and character are certainly unfathomable but each time we notice the beauty of something new, it’s a chance to glimpse something through the eyes of the Spirit and be reminded again of the eternity we are made for. What a precious gift!

I encourage you to take the time to look with the Spirit’s eyes and hear God to speak to you through the creations our artists have made.

Love to you all, Miranda.

Photo by Ravi Pinisetti on Unsplash