Christmas time invitations

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Christmas is a great time of year to invite people to our Christmas events. Last week we had a wonderful Kids Christmas concert with 43 guests. People were invited through playgroup connections, family friends, family members, grandparent invites. The service had energy, fun and did a great job at communicating the Christmas message of Jesus God with us. The feedback I heard was people loved it, and got an positive perspective into our church community. 

We can invite people to church and anticipate they will enjoy it. Christmas time offers natural opportunities to do so. We have concerts, a street party tonight, carols concert, Christmas day. We also have every Sunday we gather to worship. Each Sunday our December services will take an advent theme and explore how Jesus is the Christmas presence that brings us peace, joy, love, hope. We will share this message in a way that will encourage Christian and not Christian alike. We hope to invite people to commend life with Jesus too. 

I believe we can invite people to church anytime. Christmas is especially a great time to invite friends, family, neighbours. God is at work, and we pray God will work in those you bring. 

In Him, 


Photo by Gareth Harper on Unsplash