Prayer places us
under God's influence
40 Days of Prayer
Kick-off 40 Days of Prayer with a Week of Prayer.
12 Feb - 31 March, 2024
See below for the focus and prayer points for each day. Detailed prayer is shared with the Church's Prayer Network. Throughout the week people can share prayer requests or insights we sense from God (word, direction, encouragement for our church).
40 Days of Prayer
People praying each day of Lent for our church and her ministry.
To sign up go to this booking calendar, select a day, and register to pray.
Daily Prayer Points
Weekly prayer meetings are held Tuesday 7am (Church), Tuesday 6:30pm, Sunday 9.30am (Church).
Each evening in the first week of Lent (Feb 12 - 16) the Church Worship Centre will be opened for shared prayer from 7.00pm - 8.00pm.
Lent begins today!
Prayer Focus: Our vision is we love God’s inspired word the Bible and seek to live faithfully by its truth… the truth sets us free (John 8:32)
- Increasing numbers of people participate in growth groups and grow together in following Jesus
- We all grow in our obedience to God’s Word
- Church wide spiritual growth and biblical literacy
Prayer Focus: Our vision is we disciple people of all generations to live life well … we know there is life more abundant (John 10:10)
- Chris in his leadership role among children & youth
- Unley Park Kids Leadership Team
- Children and young people to grow more like Jesus
- Children and Youth Leaders – enthusiasm, patience, wisdom, living lives that reflect Jesus
- Growing vibrant faith and community among our young adults
- Great Spiritual Mentors for children and young people