Emergency Contacts

  • Download Emergency Plus App for phone access to emergency services
  • Emergency Response Team Leader: Jason Hoet
  • First Aiders: Pastoral Staff
  • Food Safety Supervisors: Tam Battersby

Emergency Locations

  • Norwood Police Station, 38 Osmond Terrace, Norwood, Norwood, · 7.9 km, (08) 8207 6800
  • RAH Hospital, 1 Port Road, Adelaide · 7.7 km, (08) 7074 0000

All incidents, accidents and disclosures need to be reported. Here is the Incident Report Form link or QR code to complete a report. This form is also used for all concerns and complaints that staff, volunteers or the community may have.

QR code

In case of an Emergency the following steps need to be taken:

  • Secure the safety of the group, assess the nature of the emergency
  • Contact appropriate Emergency Services
  • Once the situation is secure – contact the Unley Park Emergency Response Team // Lead Pastor
  • Reassess planned activities in light of what has happened and plan for ways to proceed in light of the incident, until an ERT Member arrives
  • Once the Emergency Services have been called they may want to take control of the situation. The Team Leader assumes responsibility as the primary caregiver of participants and has the right and responsibility to carry out that care. Therefore, work alongside the services but retain your responsibilities.
  • Once you have called the ERT they will take charge of the situation. The Emergency Response Member will travel to the location where they will have overall authority.
  • In consultation, the Team Leader and Emergency Response Director will assess the needs for the group’s physical and emotional support.
Other Important Notes:
  • Do not speak to the media, refer them to the ERT Member who will handle media communications.
  • Remember to take photos of the site, situation, injury etc. and to make detailed notes for reports
    Try to pre-emptively assess all situations for potential safety threats. Use the Incident Report Form

Evacuation Procedure

Reasons for Evacuation: Fire, bomb threat, intruder, gas or water leak, hostage situation, etc.

  • Preparation: Before the event, the person in charge must identify exit points and fire extinguisher locations.
  • During an Emergency: The event leader acts as a marshal, directing people, checking for anyone left behind, liaising with emergency services, and notifying the Lead Pastor or Administrator if they are not present.
  • Evacuation Point: If safe to evacuate, go to the bowling green across Northgate Street.
  • Intruder Threat: If there is an intruder, move everyone to a closed room (e.g., vestry, PA room, storeroom, or office) and stay there until the situation is under control.