This study and reading plan help us explore the Christian faith by looking at Jesus.
The reading plan and resources which complement this study are here
When we meet, we will work through a passage of Scripture. Each time we will:
Connect and pray together, thanking God for what was good, and praying for what is needed.
- How have you experienced God in your life this week? What are you thankful for? What has been challenging?
- What (if anything) changed in your life because of last week’s story?
- Who did you get a chance to share with or bless?
- Pray, asking God to teach us as we read this passage. Read the passage together.
- What does the passage say? (Repeat it in your own words.) Talk together about anything important we may have left out, or add any other questions or thoughts about the passage.
Work through each verse or paragraph in the passage and explore what it says and what it means. Keep coming back to the passage.
- What do you think the passage means?
- What do you learn about God?
- What do you learn about people?
Consider how we will live out what we are learning.
- What do we need to do this week to live out what we are learning?
Talk about how we are going to share what we have learnt. How can we overcome any barriers which might stop us from sharing the good news with our family and friends?
- Who can we tell and how will we tell what we learned today?
- Who can we serve or bless in the next week?
To help you get started watch this video which explains how stories about Jesus and the church (New Testament) connect to the story of Israel (Old Testament).