Read Luke 10:27-41
The parable Jesus tells about a Samaritan and his talk with Mary and Martha gives us further insight into Jesus’ identity and the nature of his mission on earth.
- The questions that people ask often tell us something about who they are. What do you make of the lawyer and his question? (vs 25, 29)
- What did Jesus mean by ‘do this and you will live’? (vs 28)
- What does the word justify mean?
- How do people seek to justify themselves to others, to society and to God?
- Why did Jesus choose a Samaritan as the hero in his story?
- How does the story of Martha and Mary reinforce or develop the point Jesus has just made?
- Who do you most identify with, Mary, Martha or the lawyer?
- What have you learnt from these ‘stories’ and how will they affect your life?