Read Luke 10:27-41

The parable Jesus tells about a Samaritan and his talk with Mary and Martha gives us further insight into Jesus’ identity and the nature of his mission on earth.


  1. The questions that people ask often tell us something about who they are. What do you make of the lawyer and his question? (vs 25, 29)
  2. What did Jesus mean by ‘do this and you will live’? (vs 28)
  3. What does the word justify mean?
  4. How do people seek to justify themselves to others, to society and to God?
  5. Why did Jesus choose a Samaritan as the hero in his story?
  6. How does the story of Martha and Mary reinforce or develop the point Jesus has just made?
  7. Who do you most identify with, Mary, Martha or the lawyer?


  • What have you learnt from these ‘stories’ and how will they affect your life?

Mid Week Readings