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For the latest church news
Please use our Welcome Card to record concerns, prayer requests or pastoral visits
Thank you to everyone who came and supported our Youth Camp Fundraiser, we were blown away by the generosity and community that the church showed. We will be having another fundraiser again this week, following the service. There will be hot food as well as some yummy baked goods.
If you are unable to be there but would like to make a donation please use this QR code:
Do you have a heart to serve our church community in a more intentional way? Do you have a heart to help shape our future direction with the leadership team?
As we approach our AGM (Sunday 3rd November), the church community is invited to nominate people to join the council in leadership. If you would be interested yourself, or would like to nominate someone else, please speak to Jason or grab the information pack from the table by the baptistry. All ages and genders welcome. We have vacancies for Elders and Deacons.
Community Day 14th september
On Saturday 14th September, we will be holding our next community day from 9am-12.30pm. We have a variety of tasks that need to be completed – all ages and abilities are welcome. The social interaction that events like this provide are just as important as the tasks we achieve – so even if you would like to come along and provide verbal encouragement – you would be most welcome! Morning tea will be provided.
This week is the semi-finals for our basketball teams. It would be great to see as many people as possible out there cheering on our teams. It is a great atmosphere and a fun time.
Men’s Gold – 3pm @ St Peters College
Men’s White – 3pm @ Scotch College
Under 12’s Gold – 1pm @ Immanuel College
Please come and join us on Sunday 22 September (day after Grand Finals) from 2:30pm – 4:30pm at Unley Park Baptist Church (enter from 1 Northgate Street) for a light afternoon tea to celebrate the end of the 2024 winter season. This will be a chance for the whole club to be together, to thank all our coaches, to recognise new players to the club and to celebrate the season we have had together. It’s also the best time to return your uniform. Please put it in your diaries and plan to be there.
The Coffee Cart will be running EVERY Sunday and all proceeds collected will be retained for our UPB Encounter Youth Schoolies team to help offset their accommodation and other costs for the weekend.
Youth Camp Fundraiser Sunday 8 & 15 September
Community Day Saturday 14 September
Basketball Finals Saturday 21 September
Basketball Breakup Sunday 22 September
Youth Camp 27-29 September
Thanksgiving Sunday Sunday 20 October
Community Christmas Lunch Friday 29 November
(Formerly seniors lunch)
Kids Christmas Presentation Sunday 1 December
Street Party Sunday 8 December