Next 7 week course runs Tuesday evenings
from 20 August - 1 October 2024
Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book, developed The Marriage Course for couples looking for practical support to strengthen their relationship. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively and resolve differences well.
"There’s no counselling, no airing of dirty linen in public, no group therapy – and it seems to work."
How will our course run?
We will be running the marriage course over 7 sessions from Tuesday 20 August 2024.
The launch and final evenings will be in-person and include delicious desserts in a cafe format. We watch the opening episode together, but there is no group work. Just private conversations between couples. Episodes are around 45 minutes in length, with breaks for conversations. Each episode explores a different topic through real experiences, expert insights, and relevant teaching.
Episodes 2-6 will be online, hosted by Chris & Bec Graves. This format simplifies travel, and finding care for small children. Topics covered during the 7 weekly sessions include:
- The Art of Communication
- Resolving Conflict
- The Power of Forgiveness
- The Impact of Family – Past & Present
- Love in action
For more information please contact the Church office
Who is it for?
- Around 1.7 million people have attended The Marriage Course in over 100 countries and 45 languages.
- 99% of guests said the course had a positive impact on their relationship
- 73% of guests experienced significant improvement in their relationship from the course
Next 7 week course runs Tuesday evenings from 20 August 2024