God loves our whole world. Every person in every place!
Mission Project Partners

From May we have supported a range of our Mission partners.
Our focus project seeks to raise support for Baptist Care SA's Westcare Center.

3 ways to give.
Direct Deposit
Direct transfer an amount with the description "MMM"
Account details
Unley Park Baptist Church
BSB 704 922
Account No. 100006488
Online Giving
Simple and secure. To give a gift from your credit card - hit the button below.
For further information on our online giving platform tithe.ly go to upbc.org.au/give
Offering Bag
Come prepared to give to the special offering during the last two weekend services in May.
We firmly believe God loves our whole world. Every person in every place! As a local church we join with God in his global work when we support missionaries and agencies that help people follow Jesus.
May is a significant time in Australian Baptist Churches to focus on Global mission. Today 42% of the world’s people still live in people-groups are “least-reached.” That means that there are significant social and cultural boundaries to be crossed if we are to be able to share the Good News of Jesus with them.
We partner with Global Mission in three ways:
PRAYER: Pray for the Ames, Hutchinsons, TEAM, Company of Grace and our agency Baptist Mission Australia each day during May.
FINANCES: Partner financially with our May Mission Month project
TEAM: We bring together people who are passionate about Global Missions so we can support, advocate and increase our Church’s contributions.