good lofe

Unley Park Baptist, Northgate Street, Unley Park

Six Week Seminary

Sept - Oct 2024

6 Weeks exploring theological questions foundational for life

Exploring Theology, God, Humanity, Jesus, the Cross, and life impact with a stellar line-up of great lecturers.

How to approach Big Questions? Thinking theologically

Who is God? The Trinity

Who are We? The nature of humanity

Why Did God Become One of Us? The incarnation

How Does the Cross Set Us Free? The atonement

What Now? Working faith out - together

Our lecturers are from the Tabor College Divinity Department - Dr Matthew Gray, Dr Mike Bartholomaeus and our own Rev Miranda Dixon and Rev Jason Hoet

The lectures will be live-streamed and recorded. Notes and resources are provided.

You can take part in person, by livestream, or in your own time with recordings.


6 Monday Nights

Starting Monday 9 Sept 2024, 7:00 pm

  • Dates: Sept 9, 16, 23
  • (break for school holidays)
  • Oct 14, 21, 27 August


  • 7:00 – 8:00pm – Lecture presentation
  • 8:00pm – 8.15pm Break
  • 8:15 - 9pm – Questions and discussion


  • $60 Adult
  • $30 Youth/Young Adults/Students

More Info

Church office 8272 0258 |

in partnership with


Payment Options

On registration, course and payment information will be emailed to you.

Credit Card

Use our secure platform to pay from your credit card.

Direct Deposit

(preferred) Direct transfer to the church account the amount, including the invoice # in the description


Pay in cash at the door.

Register Now!

Registrations close Friday 16 June 2023
Click Here