Christmas Street Party Team
Our hope in running festival events is to build connection, community and sow seeds for people to follow Jesus. Thank you for playing your part in building a Christ shaped community for people to experience.
Four Community Zones
We are dividing the Street Party into different zones. This helps us focus on building community in four different ways.
Where will you be?
Build a friendly presence in the Neighbourhood
Area: local streets
Wear Volunteer Tops
Travel in pairs
Roam the surrounding streets
Say G'Day to neighbours and people approaching the Street Party
Offer a big welcome!
Area: entrance to Street Party
Wear Volunteer Tops
Rostered in pairs
Say G'Day to people entering Street Party
Handout Information Leaflets
Offer Christmas treats
Guide with general layout/program information
Farewell at the end of the night
Build community though fun and activities
Area: Food, Family & Youth Activities
Engage people and say G'Day
Run activities and Family Stalls
Encourage people to join in Games & Activities to build community
- Includes food stalls, face painting, busking, games, competitions, basketball, Games Zone area
Connect through conversation
Area: Coffee, Tables, Concert Seating
Say G'Day
Connect with people through conversation, service
Keeping Children Safe
To help keep children and young people safe please:
- Keep an eye out for un-attended children. Make sure they are safe and not doing anything risky.
- After dark - ensure children and young people remain in light up areas. Send them back to their parents or populated areas.
- Watch for adults who behave in concerning ways around children or young people. Contact Carl Collins or Jason Hoet or if you have suspicions - no matter how trivial.
Set Up
- (See Site Set Up Map below)
- 12pm set up Marquee/Stage/Lighting/move equipment
- 1pm Street Closure
- Sound, Staging and Lighting set up
- 4pm site set up - seating, coffee area tables, food stalls, kid & youth zone, festival area sound, Concert area staging.
- 4:30pm Concert Sound Check
- 4.30pm Volunteer arrival & preparation
- 4.30pm Team gather & pray in Lounge
- 4.45pm Team gather & pray in Lounge
- 5.00pm Kids Program begins
- 5.45pm Teams in place ready for 6pm Program
Street Party Program
Contact Phase: help people engage with activities and begin to build community
- 5pm Kids Program
- 6pm MC Welcome & Engagement Games
- initiate games/activities
- Food Stalls open
Connect Phase: people begin to 'warm up' and connect
- 5pm-6pm Kids Program
- 6.15pm-7:15pm Busking & Activities
- Ballooners move through Festival & Relational Zone
- Mix & Mingle. Build an open crowd and make new friends!
Community Phase: people like being together in community. New friends are made, the atmosphere is warm and welcoming.
- 7pm - approx 🙂
- 7:15pm Gather people towards Concert area for Carols
Concert Program
- 7:15pm People gather at Concert area
- Band play-in music
- Welcomers handout Programs
- Candle Purchases
- 7:30pm Choir & Carol Program begins
- ~ 8:15pm Welcomers take up Westcare Offering.
- 9pm Program Ends
- Welcomers farewell in Welcome Zones
Pack Down
- All hands to pack down site
- 9.30pm Street Re-opened