To the Ends of the Earth
making Jesus’ last words our first priority
This series unveils the inspiring, sometimes forgotten, or rarely told stories of game-changers of the faith who risked danger and death to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Over 6 weeks our Sunday Services, Growth Groups, youth, and Kids Church will engage this fantastic series. During the week watch the free online 30-minute video and join a growth group to engage this series with others.
Free Online Content
Jesus the Game Changer 2 campaign episodes are available for you to access free at the Olivemedia website. They are available on a Wednesday, prior to that week’s theme. So for week one, starting Sunday 3rd May, the episode is available from Wednesday 29th April.
Growth Groups or Households
Many Growth Groups are gathering via Zoom, HouseParty, or group Facetime. As a group why not:
- Stream the episode for free
- Access the free Discussion Guide via the Jesus the Game Changer App
- Gather as a household or virtually to encourage one another
Why not join a Growth Group for the Series? Register interest here