Advent series on Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. Exploring what it means to receive the wonderful gift of God with us.
1 Thessalonians
God uses all things to form beauty in us and through Ecc 3:11
Pursuing God's Will Together
UPB Mission Partners 2024
The book of Romans
reflections on Jesus’ words and actions reveal to us who he is...
Remembering his birth, Anticipating his return, Following him now.
Deuteronomy - fixing God’s words in hearts and minds
Reflections from 1 Cor 13 for a community of faith, hope & love
Seasons of faith of life through the life of Joseph
Stories of how God brings a New Perspective
series on 4 truths from Tim Chester
Helping those far from God find Jesus
responding to all Jesus reveals.
journeying with parables to the cross and resurrection
Learning from the past, what might you do in the future?
Advent series 2022
people aware of their flaws and still willing to serve God
Thanksgiving Sunday Series - our church glorifying God
special services with input from our younger generations
In sharing faith there are 3 stories THE, MY, YOURS
sermons focussed on Global missions - local and beyond our shores
series from Hebrews - in hard times, Jesus is the one to follow
series on a faith that helps others follow, belong, serve
2021 Christmas Series Resource
series in 1 Peter
living in hope with holiness in hostile times
Thanksgiving Sunday series on being grateful for all God's blessings
insights for relationships today
What we all long for and how hope in Jesus provides it
May Mission Month 2021
Global focus on God's great gift to the world he loves.
Easter Series 2021
2021 Vision series on our year theme to serve others
God at the heart of our new year
Isaiah 9 christmas series
series on the 3 aspects that are core to our church's identity - faith, connection, belonging
what it means to be made in the image of God
Thanksgiving Series - for an expectant church
special services with children input
The book of Revelation - Jesus is Lord, in control over every power
Let’s make Jesus last words our first priority
Easter Series
What matters to Jesus in the end
PM Sermon series on how Jesus prays
growing our church in prayer
how we view our bodies and how we live in them.
special services with input from our high school youth
Advent Series
The Church as God's grand design of hope
finding your place in God's purposes
How does real faith respond through challenging times?
producing God's life in our church
PM Series on Glorifying God
Jesus flips our view on blessed
how to hear God speaking into our lives
Walking together with our first Australians
May Mission Month 2019 series
Confessing 8 truths from the Apostles Creed
5 keys for growing in faith
Life Stories of people in our church
making our lives count
preparing for the coming of Jesus
A series from the Book of Acts to lift our Church in boldness and witness.
What it means to be Just
Series in Luke invited into the life Jesus brings
Baptisms at Unley Park Baptist
May Mission Month 2018. Our life with God can impact the world
Filled with God’s power and presence to follow Jesus.
Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash
How the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters.
Launch Series for 2018
choices for a stronger, God centred life
Uncovering Great news in our Christmas songs
Life Lessons from Ecclesiastes 3 - 7
Celebrating the work of God through our church and inviting our congregation into the adventure of following Jesus together
Experiencing God in the Psalms
Good Friday and 'one off' Easter Sermons
Sermons not part of a series
Wisdom from Proverbs for daily choices
This series looks at everyday practical challenges for Christians
Introduction series on the generosity of God
May Mission Month for Baptist Churches in SA
Praying our Lord’s Prayer becomes ours.