Calm and Confident Kids



Kirrilie Smout

A free seminar with Kirrilie Smout to help parents support children aged 5-12 when they are worried, scared, stressed and sad, and how to increase their coping and resiliency skills.

Research tells us that what parents do makes a big difference to how well children get through these times.

This seminar covers the 12 most important steps parents can take to help worried, sad and stressed kids. 

The Seminar is designed to be practical and give strategies that parents can immediately use with children in all situations. Despite the serious topic, there is plenty of humour and fun in the seminar, videos, case examples – as well as time allowed for questions about tricky kids and tricky situations.

Kirrilie Smout is a clinical child/adolescent psychologist and the director of Developing Minds ​​​​​​​