How is God at work in these times?

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Lent: John 9:1-41

This week’s reading for Lent comes from John 9, when Jesus heals a man born blind. Jesus is asked by his disciples, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”. The disciples hold a karma-like belief that sin’s judgement works out as the curses and challenges of life, even to the progeny.

For the disciples, God is the invisible hand of judgement behind every evil. Jesus rejects this simplistic view. “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” God’s hand is on this person’s life for good.

There are still people who endeavour to make sense of evil with simple formulas. Through this COVID-19 crisis there maybe some of Jesus contemporary disciples who will roll out their theories of spiritual judgement. I prefer to take Jesus’ perspective; can we see how God is at work to bring liberty and life? I prefer to not theorise on matters I have no idea about and instead take part in God’s healing.

Jesus knelt, spat and worked the earth, applying to blind eyes a dirty poultice. “Go,” he told the man, “wash in the Pool of Siloam”. The man went and washed and came home seeing. Today our world seeks wisdom, healing, peace. As followers of Jesus it is time to get our hands dirty too so we will see the works of God displayed in unexpected ways.


Jason (photo: