Do we expect our leaders to be of good character?

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Is delivering results enough, or should our leaders be of good character? Which do you think takes priority?

It appears many select the later, they take results over character. This is understandable as a leader ought to produce results, but to neglect character comes with significant costs. There is the dreadful cost of diminished trust which impacts performance and team cooperation. There is the psychological cost of intrigue where people find they need to utilise workarounds, political schemes, to achieve their ends. There is the cost of authenticity, impacting compassion, care, cohesion. Sadly, some people reading may feel this describes their workplace. They could affirm whether there is increased anxiety, higher turnover, less creativity, diminished performance.

Christians believe character matters in leadership. When God sought a King for Israel he said to Samuel: “Do not consider his appearance or his height… the Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” The defining attributes which qualify church leadership in 1 Timothy 3 or Titus 1 concern the candidate’s character. Jesus defines for the Christian what true character looks like, and we look to our leaders to be faithful followers. This is a high bar, but the church is better when it does not compromise on Christlike character. So is your business, organisation, and nation.


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