What folly in planning?

Jason HoetFrontPage, News, Pastor

Last year our Council and staff met together in January to plan for 2020. As we know, by March those well-intentioned plans were skuttled. Once again, 16 January 2021, the Council and staff meet again to plan. Is this folly?

2020 taught me to hold planning lightly. We had no idea what was to come. That is not a problem for a Christian. We are thankful God is above all our planning. Prov 16:9 ‘A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.’ 2020 challenged my expectations. I never anticipated how our community, care, discipleship, contribution, evangelism would be tested and even strengthened.

2020 has lifted my hope. God can bring good, even from confusion. The biblical story shows us how God is a superb planner. His plans succeed despite the chaos of evil, the machinations of humanity and the randomness of chance. God anticipates every false move and better than a grand chess master, is moving the whole cosmos to reconciliation with him. We see this best at the Cross. The cross is God’s checkmate on evil. Through its weakness, God’s wisdom, and strength triumph.

Thankfully, God is above our planning. He is also in our planning. It is encouraging to have progressed on the core focus we had at that 2020 planning meeting – a clearer identity and mission. The challenge of 2020 zeroed in on what matters to us – ‘Faith, Connection, Belonging’.

We will plan again this January. The folly would be to believe our God cannot bring kingdom fruit from it. If we are willing servants, planning with a humble attitude, open to His Spirit’s leading – how will our good God not use us for his purposes?


Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash