Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

One of the signs of the vitality of our faith is our love for our neighbour. Some helpful questions to consider are, how is my faith good for others? How is our church strengthening others? Especially those who are vulnerable. 

Our church strengthens others. Locally, we have done this for many years through ministries such as Playgroup and Basketball. Both these ministries build community, relationships and provide support. Youth Group is a place where non church young people often attend. It offers fun, safe community for young people to build friendships and grow. Our Internationals Ministry has faithfully supported refugees for many years. Our fellowship fund supports people needing money for food, bills, accommodation. Our church financially supports local chaplaincy through the Unley Ministers Fellowship and Schools Ministry Group. Our Christmas Street Party is a highlight for many in the area and wonderfully shares the Jesus message of Christmas every year. 

In recent years we have added a few more opportunities to our list: 

  • We provide financial support for the ministry of the Aboriginal Berean Church. Jason also meets monthly with the Pastor Don Hayward to support Don and the church. 
  • We ran this year “Kids Quest”, a holiday programs for kids. Numbers of children come through playgroup families and wider connections. 
  • Over the past 3 years we have run Community seminars aimed at strengthening families. Combining this with online delivery has significantly increased our audience from 120 to 600+ people. 
  • We have increased our local schools’ partnerships through chaplains. Jason Hoet & Sarah Ames support chaplains at Unley High & Blackforest Primary. We provide financial support for vulnerable families with Blackforest Primary. 
  • Kaye Kay ran a pilot program “I am Woman” for women with cognitive disabilities. This is part-supported by a grant from Unley Council. 
  • The Iranian church worship at Unley Park Baptist on Saturday evenings. We partner with this church through friendship, resourcing, cover, leadership support. 

I know not all of us are involved personally in all of this. I know our faith is good for others in many more ways. But does this encourage you? That our church is good, not just for you, but our neighbour too. 



Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash