The Church accepts the following as its basic doctrines of faith:
- The Deity and Lordship of Jesus Christ, being one with God the Father & the Holy Spirit.
- The Supreme Authority of Jesus Christ in all matters of faith and conduct, as revealed in the Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments of the Bible) through divine inspiration.
- Humans are sinful by nature and thereby separated from God and void of eternal life.
- Jesus Christ, by His death, burial and resurrection, is God’s provision for human sin.
- Forgiveness, reconciliation and eternal life are only possible through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Holy Spirit lives in all believers to:
- Make real the presence of Christ
- Lead them into all truth
- Bestow gifts for service, and
- Give power for holy living
- Jesus Christ will come again in person at the end of this age, bringing judgement and the fulfilment of our salvation