What is key for progress?

Jason HoetNews, Pastor

A year ago, we produced a budget with nine ‘Strategic Priorities’. That is ambitious. On conventional wisdom, this was at least four too many. Clearly, we felt we had things to do! On reviewing the progress of these priorities, it is encouraging to see that 6 are progressing well. Our Wellbeing & Care Ministry strategy is underway; God has been gracious in his work among our children, youth and young adults; our Welcome ministry is connecting new people into church life; we are seeing an increase in people serving. There is much to be grateful for. There remain 3 areas of growth: Growth Groups; renovation plans; our community engagement and evangelism.

What is key in progressing these priorities? People. But not just any bodies. In the business world, they speak of getting the ‘right people in the right seats on the bus’. Matching people to opportunities matters. Think of those priorities and see if you can name who are progressing each area. Would you not agree these people are vital? We are voting on a Youth Pastor today. We know the importance of this decision. A solid choice increases the opportunity for growth. There is more we pray for God to do among us. I believe the way God answers many of our prayers is in the provision of people. I wonder how you might be God’s answer to our prayers?

