1 Cor 1:26-27
Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
Last Sunday we ran a PM Service. It has been a long time between sessions. Is it 10 years at least? We had a go. It wasn’t perfection, but we did say we were practising. It may have had a few clunky moments and issues. But it was great.
I spoke on the night about how God takes the little we have and uses it for his great work. I honestly believe this to be true. I think God loves to work this way, to surprise and amaze us with his great work. Is that not Paul’s point in 1 Cor 1:26-27? He loves to use weak things to shame the strong. I believe God will do this with our PM service, and through our young people.
Don’t be upset that I have essentially named our contributions as ‘small’ or ‘weak’. That is the sweetest place to be if you want to be used by God. Besides, in the scheme of what God might hope to accomplish, our ‘mightiest’ efforts pale in comparison. The most skilled among us cannot turn a person’s heart towards God, cannot soften the unrepentant soul. This is God’s work alone. Yet he chooses the foolish things, the weak things to achieve these very great purposes.
Let us never be full of ourselves. Let us be filled only with God so that he might choose us. Let us be ever keen to give God every glory. We are proud to be weak, foolish, fragile. If we are to boast, we will boast in the Lord.