Our newest staff member starts this week! We look forward to Miranda Dixon joining our staff team as Associate Pastor. Miranda’s will have a generalist role alongside me with pastoral oversight of the whole church. I look forward to working with Miranda as we strengthen our church in growing together in following Jesus. I can see I have many loose threads which I am confident Miranda will help tidy up. While people may have read her pastoral profile, you will grow to know Miranda as she leads, preaches, visits, relates.
Since I began, our staff team will have increased by 4 members. Bronwyn as Administrator, Sarah as Wellbeing & Care Catalyst, Simon as Youth & Young Adults Pastor, now Miranda as Associate Pastor. Each member, along with Allan, Heather and Kathy bring a strong contribution to our church’s ministry. I remind our church that staff, like all ministry leadership, is given to the church “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph 4:12). These people are catalysts, so more people are equipped and mobilised for ministry (hence Sarah’s unusual, but appropriate role title). Staff cannot be substitutes for the work only all God’s people can do together. If you know our staff, they can struggle with this. Each one is a hard-working servant, passionate about our church and those we serve. They err towards to do more than they should. Don’t let them.
It is important for our church to know I do not consider our staff along a sacred/secular divide. Some of our staff bear the title “pastor”, but all our staff minister. As an example, Bronwyn and Heather have ‘administrative’ roles, and I see the pastoral heart they bring to people as they serve. This is exactly what we want, right through our church. Whatever role you have, discipleship and relationship are always first.