AV/DataFrontPage, News, Pastor

What will you do when you grow up? Some may ask this with wry smile, as they are well past the due date for being grown up. But our young people are rightly wrestling with this question. Their challenge may be due to ‘choice paralysis’, too many options. I know others wonder if the jobs they train for now will exist within the next decade. From year 10 through to the end of university, probably beyond, there is the demand of making the best decision for a bright future. It will not take you long to find a young person who is anxious about this.

In the coming months our year 12’s will put in their university course applications and complete their schooling. Please pray for them, their names are listed in the Link prayer. We can do more than this. There is opportunity here for parents, friends, grandparents, teachers, mentors, leaders to provide positive influence. We can help our young people trust God and make godly decisions. Our Sunday night services will be exploring “Vocation”, helping people find their place in God’s purposes. I think this will be an exciting series – relevant for older and young. Why not plan on attending? As followers of Jesus we are called to bring our best in the service of God and people. At times we can all struggle to find our place. Yet, we all have one.
