Lent Reading: John 4:5-42
“Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
When was the last time you were really thirsty? Although we live on a dry continent, thankfully we have ready access to clean water. If I thirst, I turn on the tap. I wonder if our Christian faith has become like this – ready access to living water. Have we forgotten what it is like for our souls to really thirst?
It doesn’t take much for soul-thirst to kick in: broken relationships, unforgiven sin, chronic illness, tragic loss. We feel like a “dry and parched land where there is no water”. As Christians we can do what the Psalmist does in Psalm 63, turn to God. Jesus says we need never thirst when we drink from his water. Our thirsts are quenched by his words, the Spirit’s presence, the encouragement of his people, the power of his cross and resurrection, and more. Christians have ready access to deep, deep wells of living water.
What is it like for those who do not know Jesus? To drink from the world’s waters, and still thirst? Do you know someone who is parched within their soul? How can you begin to offer them the living water only Jesus can bring?
Jason (photo:wordpress.com)