Restrictions ease once again this Friday. We will be permitted 1 person per 4 square meters for each room, with a maximum of 300 people on site. We continue to maintain all the necessary protocols as part of our COVID19 safe plan such as physical distancing, hand and surface hygiene and contact tracing.
Many mid-week programs can now begin to resume, with some logistical adjustments. Groups will need to book times with the Church office so we can manage this. There is now no requirement to register attendance at our 6PM service. The 10AM service is not so simple.
Our pre-COVID19 weekly 10AM service on site attendance was 220 people. The Main Auditorium can have up to 70 people. Given this, to resume on-site AM services, we would require 3 services, with people registering attendance to spread the numbers. The logistics for sanitising and moving between services would also be a real headache. You will be relieved to know, we will not do this. Yet, does this give insight into what will be required for our whole congregation to return to meeting together?
We will continue to prioritise the live-stream service. If people want, they will be able to attend the on-site by registering through a ticketed system. Information for this will be on the website. We encourage our Kids Church children and families to attend together. We can accommodate all our Kids Church kids across our various rooms.
Having had a very small ‘congregation’ of a few parents last week, we all agreed, in-person services are better. I cannot wait until we all gather again. But given the circumstances, I am going to have to.
With thanks
Jason (Photo on