We are grateful for all who serve in our church. They do this not because they are compelled but because they want to. In Ephesians 6 Paul writes to slaves,
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”
Ephesians 6:7-8
People who serve in church are not slaves, but they hold to this same attitude. They want to serve others; they love our church and most importantly they see their service as for the Lord.
Our church would not be able to achieve what it does without the many who serve. People give financially to our church, but this generosity is not enough to cover the many hours of unpaid service. If our 160 volunteers gave an hour each week, through the year, at a minimum wage, the cost would be more than $130,000. Of course, our people give more time than this, and their value is significantly more than that.
This is the wonder of church life. Through our people, we achieve far, far more than we pay for. The diversity of contribution is immense too. People bring incredible capacities to extend our ministry. We are grateful for everyone who serves in our church. May all who serve know God is using you to be an incredible blessing to others. He is using you to extend his Kingdom and mission to the world he loves.
With Thanks,
(Photo by www.fionta.com.au)