As playgroup begins, the kids excitedly run to the ever-popular playdough table to begin making their wacky creations. They love the texture of the soft, pliable dough – it can be squashed or shaped, it can be broken apart and put back together. However, for playdough to stay fresh and functional it needs to be compacted back into one solid ball and stored with care, otherwise it goes dry and brittle, and breaks into small useless pieces. It loses its ability to be used according to its purpose.
This reminds me of the importance of being in community. As a church community we have the potential to do great things in life and ministry – to be shaped and formed in creative and exciting ways, but in order to do so we must find times to be ‘pressed back’ together with care; to sit together, to serve together, to worship together, to be strengthened by our unity. Just as ‘unpressed’ bits of playdough go dry and brittle, without consistent connection to our faith community we can become disconnected and at risk of ‘crumbling’.
Coming into community regularly builds us up, keeps us fresh in our faith, and helps us to press on with the support and encouragement of the body.
Hebrews 10:24-25 (The Voice translation)
Let us consider how to inspire each other to greater love and to righteous deeds,not forgetting to gather as a community, as some have forgotten, but encouraging each other, especially as the day of His return approaches.
Photo (Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)