Our church is connected to a family of churches known as the Baptist Churches of SA. This is a group of 70 Baptist churches and through our shared mission we do more together than apart. The Baptist family resource pastors, church leaders, ministries, and organisations. Together we have endeavours such as Baptist Care SA, Crossover, Baptist Mission Australia, Baptist World Aid, a national presence through Australian Baptist Ministries, international presence through Baptist World Alliance.
I suspect most people in our local churches are not aware of this work. That is understandable given it is hard enough keeping up with the life of the local church. But I trust it encourages you to know our church has broader influence as it connects to the wider family.
This weekend is significant in the life of Baptist Churches SA. On Friday night we have an Assembly, which is a meeting of church representatives to discern shared decisions. Our church representatives are Tim Badger, Glenn Dixon, and Helena Stretton. One of these decisions will be for the acceptance of Miranda Dixon as an Accredited Pastor. This is an exciting culmination to the last 3 years of Miranda’s pastoral training. On Saturday we have our Baptist leadership conference, gathering church leaders to encourage and equip them for ministry.
I am pleased our church has several people contributing to this wider work. Linda Carrapiett, James Whalland and Andy Edelsten serve on the Assembly Board. Serving as staff we have Tam Battersby, Glenn Dixon, Alison Jeisman, and Tanya Whalland. Our church benefits from their efforts and we are grateful for their service.
Photo: https://sabaptist.asn.au/