It’s Easter Sunday and the air is brisk. The morning sun is still waking as 170 young people stumble out of their dorms at first light towards the firepit. Gathered around we sing “Christ Be Magnified” – remembering that Jesus’ body was in the tomb for three days but was there no longer. He is risen. He is risen indeed!
I daresay Sunday was my favourite day of Easter Camp this year. From the early morning service to goofy breakfast chats. From the unabashed worship to nail-biting Gaga Ball matches. From small group bonding to a sacred time of speaking spiritual encouragement into one other at Christ Candle. Sunday was a day to remember! For many of the campers, Sunday was also a key decision point in their faith.
For some, that meant deciding to trust in Jesus fully for the first time. For others, it was a returning, a revival, a fresh wind in their spirits. For some, there was a stirring to pursue baptism. And for others, it was simply a place to get lost in a celebration of God’s goodness.
For myself, it was not only a joy to participate at the Mylor Easter Camp (Yr 7-10), it was also a refreshing for my own tired heart. I can think of countless conversations, interactions and observations over the four days that spoke of God’s presence throughout camp. I am excited for this generation and for what Jesus is doing in their lives!
Unley Park Youth had 27 youth and six leaders across the two camps. Our young people are keen to explore faith, grow in faith and further, to live out that faith. The next time you cross paths with an Unley Park youth, why not ask them: “What have you sensed God teaching you recently?” or “When have you been Jesus to someone else?” Their answers may surprise you.
For both the young and the young at heart – He is risen. He is risen indeed!
In Him,
Chris Bowman
Photo by Papaioannou Kostas on Unsplash