Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Did you know if you are a follower of Jesus, you will be a martyr? Jesus says to his followers, 

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (NIV, Acts 1:8) 

In the original language Greek “witness” is martus, the same word as “martyr”. Today we understand the two words differently. People like Stephen in Acts 7:54-60 & Acts 22:20 are known as martyrs because they died for their faith. They died because they bore witness to their faith in Jesus. Hence the connection of “martus” to death. They explained to others what they believed and were killed. To witness could mean to suffer, even die. 

But a witness for Jesus doesn’t have to die. A witness is a person who sees an event. An honest witness tells the truth about what they have seen, they answer questions, give evidence. To be a “martus”, means we will witness to what Jesus has done for the world God loves. We share with others what we have seen, what we have experienced, what we know. As a martus for Jesus, here are some questions to consider:  

  • What have you seen, experienced and know about life with Jesus? 
  • Are you ready to bear witness and explain this to others? 
  • Are you prepared to share this, no matter what? 

In Him, 


Photo: https://spiritandtruthonline.org/