Big Week Out 2023 was amazing. In one short day 90+ young people put in to help the Aboriginal Berean Community Church. I was there, it was an epic effort and a credit to the team! This year Big Week Out will be 2.5 days (eventually we will get to a full week)!
- Wed 17 July (day 0): We launch the Big Week Out Team for service at Holy Trinity Church Adelaide
- Thurs 18 Jul (day 1): we return to the Aboriginal Berean church to finish jobs at their site.
- Fri 19 Jul (day 2): we head out from Trinity Church Adelaide into the local community to help others!
Over the last few years, Big Week Out has become part of Scripture Union Australia’s ministry. SUA is working with four key churches to make BWO happen – Aboriginal Berean Community Church, Austral-Asian Community Church, Trinity Church Adelaide, Unley Park Baptist. There are months of preparation required to set up events, resources, worship, teaching, training, registration…and more.
Possibly more than ever, this effort is worth it. Community organisations have less volunteers. Schools, community groups, churches are struggling to find people to help. Mobilising numbers of low skill, high enthusiasm young people to serve, is a “God send”. Young people are better when they serve together. Sure, they might be ‘grumpy’ when they get home, but out serving they are motivated and having fun. They are immersed in the benefits of hard work, community, friendship, worship, learning. This positive contribution as churches, surprises the local community. The public narrative is churches are irrelevant, abhorrent, declining and ‘old’. How surprising to see young people ‘inspired by Jesus to serve’. They are a beautiful public witness to the difference life in Jesus makes.
Please pray for BWO 2024:
- Our organisation will be ready.
- Our leaders will be attentive and encouraging.
- Our worship and speakers will be motivating, and Jesus centred.
- Our service will be generous.
- Our local communities will be blessed.
- Our young people will be safe, have fun, and grow in faith in Jesus.
In Him,