giving in thanksgiving 

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Each year we receive a Thanksgiving Offering for the ministry of the Church. A Thanksgiving Offering is a pledge or gift over and above our current regular offering. We encourage our church to prayerfully consider their gift to this offering. These finances help our church fund strategic outcomes in mission and developing people. This FY25 budget we have set a target of $40,000. 

When we bring together our church budget we consider 3 possible options – Sustainability, Strategic and Stretch. The sustainability budget is what it costs ‘to keep the lights on’. The strategic budget includes key items which will grow our church over the next year. The stretch budget includes items which we might wish for but can’t quite afford. Our Thanksgiving Offering helps fund the strategic budget. 

This year’s Thanksgiving offering focus on Mission is a great example of why this is matters. Our FY25 Mission budget is $40,260, which helps us support several important initiatives: Owen Ames, local school chaplaincy, Aboriginal Berean church support, aid for vulnerable families at Blackforest and Goodwood Primary Schools, outreach events, Playgroup, the Iranian church, and special evangelistic efforts. Without this budget, we wouldn’t be able to support these crucial activities. The Thanksgiving Budget is vital for us to meet these commitment. 

Further information for our Thanksgiving Offering will be available in a flyer and at our Thanksgiving webpage

If you would like to know more on financially supporting our church, why not check out our support information page. You can also request a support information brochure from the church office. Our church is blessed with great financial support from our members. For this we are grateful. For God’s great work may we steward our resources well and be strategic and expectant with our finances. 

In Him, 
