During my recent annual leave, I went on a retreat by myself for a couple of days. During this time, God drew my attention to the picture of my life, my self, as a garden. I pondered what areas in my garden were growing well and what areas needed more care and tending so that new growth can occur. As we celebrated another year last Sunday and thanked God for all he has done, perhaps it is time for you too, to ponder and discern what new things the Spirit might want to grow in you in the coming year.
I found this prayer to be helpful so I offer it for you to consider – perhaps you could pray it regularly over the next days and weeks –
Spirit of the Living God, the Gardener of my soul,
For so long, I have been waiting, silent and still, experiencing a winter of the soul.
But now, in the strong name of Jesus Christ, I dare to ask –
Clear away the dead growth of the past.
Break up the hard clods of custom and routine,
Stir in the rich compost of vision and challenge.
Bury deep in my soul the implanted Word.
Cultivate and water and tend my heart until new life buds and opens and flowers.
From Carolyn Arends, Spiritual Formation and the Arts, Henri Nouwen Society
Love to you all,
Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash