So, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. 1 Cor 3:5-9
How would you feel if at our church:
“Emerging generations contribute, seekers find faith, ministry growth is resourced, impactful partnerships are formed, intercultural church is embraced, leaders are multiplied, bold creativity is fostered, and love extends beyond our church”?
This is the vision that is emerging for our ‘Life in Jesus 2030’ plan.
Over the last 6 months we began to discern direction for our church’s next 5 years. Our Council met in June, our sermon series on Discernment was through August. We held focus groups in August and September with our congregation, young adults and youth. All that input has been collated down to 8 goals. These draft goals have been reviewed by our Council and staff. Our next step is to put a plan together.
We plan humbly, prayerfully. After all it is God who makes things grow. I read this recently:
“Believing it is God and not us who ultimately does the saving can make the difference between maintaining a posture of genuine missional humility (even as we engage in mission vigorously) or one of missional saviorism (“without us, there is no hope for you or your situation”).
Wonderfully God wants to us to join him in his work. Yet, it is never clear in Christian ministry how our mere efforts lead to God sized outcomes. Please join us in prayer as we continue to discern God’s future for us.
In Him,
‘Life in Jesus 2030’ Draft Goals
- Emerging generations actively shape our church
- We help seekers find faith in Jesus
- Our church property and assets expand our opportunities for mission and ministry
- Our partnerships with inter-cultural faith communities enrich us and strengthen our KOG impact
- We are an inter-cultural, Christ-centered community
- We nurture, train, release and multiply ministry leaders
- We embrace bold and creative approaches to ministry and outreach.
- The love and knowledge of Jesus is extended beyond our church into our wider community and world