growing Our life in Jesus 

Alice YoungFrontPage, News, Pastor

Do you know how to become more like Jesus? Afterall, this is the goal of Christian faith, to be transformed into the image of God’s son (2 Cor 3:18). How does the Spirit of God work through your choices, habits, experiences, relationships to change you? Or are you too busy, too tired, too distracted to experience a rich, meaningful life with Jesus? 

This term our church will take a journey on deepening our life with Jesus with a wonderful course called “Practicing the Way: This free resource helps people learn how to “be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did”. It teaches spiritual habits that create space for the “Holy Spirit to form people of depth and love.” The course has been produced by John Mark Comer, and is from his book “Practicing the Way”. 

We encourage you to participate in the course to grow a richer, stronger, more fruitful faith life. Do this with others. For many reasons, community is key to building our life in Jesus. You can do this through a Growth Group, with a small group of friends, or as a married couple. To deepen the learning, the course has companion guide exercises to share together.  

To get started, go to Create a free account and invite people into your group. There are 8 videos to watch and discuss. These can be viewed on youtube or downloaded. You can assess your own sense of your Spiritual Health, and where you might need to grow. The course helps you build your own ‘rule of life’, a set a spiritual rhythm to deepen your life with God. 

If you want to grow in becoming more like Jesus, I think you will find ‘Practicing the Way’ exciting and rewarding. This will strengthen your insight and choices for your life with God. I know through this, God will over time grow you even more into the image of his Son. 

In Him, 


Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash